Reihe Forschungsberichte Elektrische Antriebstechnik und Aktorik Optimization of Multiphase Electrical Machines in Healthy and Faulty Conditions Waqar Ahmed AdilShakerSoftcover202455,80 € Optimization of Multiphase Electrical Machines in Healthy and Faulty Conditions Waqar Ahmed AdilShakereBook202441,85 € A Study of Electric Machine Topology for Maximizing the Specific Power of a 120 kW Electric Aircraft Powertrain Motor Hao ZhouShakereBook202444,85 € A Study of Electric Machine Topology for Maximizing the Specific Power of a 120 kW Electric Aircraft Powertrain Motor Hao ZhouShakerSoftcover202459,80 € Hybrid erregte Synchronmaschine mit Statorkäfig als Traktionsmaschine im Elektrofahrzeug Christian BratkeShakerSoftcover202459,80 € Analysis and compensation of non-linearities of permanent magnet synchronous machines during active noise cancellation Michael SchreiberShakerSoftcover202455,80 € Permanenterregte Synchronmaschine mit umformtechnisch hergestelltem Statorblech Alena BablShakerSoftcover202458,80 € Deadbeat Flux and Torque Control in the Linear, Overmodulation, and Six-Step Regions for Automotive Traction Application Hadi El KhatibShakerSoftcover2023 Enhancing the Fault Tolerance of the Electric Drive in a Future Steering System by Utilizing Self-Sensing Kilian RehorikShakerSoftcover202345,80 € Optimization of Sensorless Control for Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines Weibin YangShakerSoftcover202345,80 €57 Treffer 1 2 3 4 ...