Formulating Adhesives and Sealants von Bodo Müller | ISBN 9783866308589

Formulating Adhesives and Sealants

von Bodo Müller und Walter Rath
Autor / AutorinBodo Müller
Autor / AutorinWalter Rath
Buchcover Formulating Adhesives and Sealants | Bodo Müller | EAN 9783866308589 | ISBN 3-86630-858-2 | ISBN 978-3-86630-858-9

Studierende in beschichtungstechnologischen Fach- und Hochschulstudiengängen
Fachliche Ein- und Umsteiger in der Lackforschung und -Entwicklung
Fachleute (Ingenieure und Chemiker) der betrieblichen Beschichtungspraxis
Laboranten und Techniker in der Lackindustrie

Formulating Adhesives and Sealants

von Bodo Müller und Walter Rath
Autor / AutorinBodo Müller
Autor / AutorinWalter Rath
This book teaches adhesive and sealant formulation in two steps. Each section first describes the application and chemical basis of the type of adhesive or sealant concerned. This is followed by formulation advice and - if possible - an analysis of existing recipes. This analysis includes a calculation of the important characteristic values of the formulations. All calculations based on recipes and formulations are worked through step by step and should therefore be intelligible to beginners, too.