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Person William Lewis

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William Lewis bei epubli

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William Lewis bei BoD – Books on Demand

After a wide-ranging career in further and adult education, William Lewis devoted himself to other areas from 2011: he learned to fly a helicopter, joined a samba band and in 2018 also a writing group. Despite the recent restrictions imposed by the Corona pandemic, he continues to enjoy the opportunities of life and the possibilities of creativity. He had always enjoyed writing, from professional reports, book reviews and educational materials to poems and lyrics for songs with bands in which he played, as well as amusing sketches for various occasions. But he had never attempted any story writing. However, the discovery of flash fiction opened a door for him, and he greatly enjoys the brevity and possibilities of this short form. He particularly enjoys reading them aloud Therefore he has read some of his stories on local radio stations. Further publications followed in online magazines.

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