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Person Werner Stark

Hinweis: Der Name Werner Stark erscheint bei verschiedenen Verlagen. Es kann sich hierbei um die jeweils selbe Person oder auch um namensgleiche handeln.

Werner Stark bei Meiner, F

Werner Stark is Honorary Professor at the Philipps-Universitat Marburg. He co-edited (with Reinhard Brandt) the Akademie-Ausgabe’s volume on anthropology (vol. 25) and edited (in collaboration with Brandt) the volume on physical geography (vol. 26). He has also prepared and published online digital transcriptions of numerous lecture notes. He edited the student transcriptions from Kant’s ethics course, Vorlesung zur Moralphilosophie (Walter de Gruyter, 2004) and is author of Nachforschungen zu Briefen und Handschriften Immanuel Kants (Akademie Verlag, 1993). He has written and edited numerous articles and books on Kant’s published works, letters, notes, and lectures in their philosophical and institutional contexts.

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