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Person Virginie Roy

Virginie Roy bei transcript

Virginie Roy (Prof.) studied dance at Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique et de Danse de Lyon (CNSMD) and dance pedagogy at Centre National de la Danse (CND) in Lyon, and completed her master's degree in clinical psychology and her diploma in art therapy at the University of Paris 8. Furthermore, Virginie Roy earned a postgraduate diploma in clinical and health psychology from the University of Vienna. She combines these experiences in her practice as a clinical health psychologist and sport psychologist, as a dancer/performer, as a professor of contemporary dance in the faculty of performing arts at the Music and Art University, and a lecturer on movement and psychology at Sigmund Freud University, both in Vienna. Her research, publications, and collaborations are motivated by the idea of movement in physical and psychic spaces, in the fields of contemporary dance, architecture, and the artistic diversity practice.

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