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Person Stefanie Hillen

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Stefanie Hillen bei Waxmann

Hillen, Stefanie A. works as a professor at the Department of Education at the University of Agder (UiA). She is head of the research group on school development, evaluation, and digital assessment. She has worked as a visiting professor at Florida State University (USA). She has also held a post-doctoral position at the Department of ICT Grimstad (UiA), where she developed digital learning environments for topics on integrated operations to connect off-shore and on-shore working needs. She holds a Ph.D. in business education from the University of Mainz, Germany. Her research is comprised of digital assessment and evaluation, technology-based learning, general didactics, didactics in VET, democratic education, and comparative education. At the Teacher Training Center, Wiesbaden, Germany, Dr. Hillen fulfilled a full-time, two-year education programme and received her degree as a teacher for vocational schools with ICT, economics, and business administration. Stefanie Hillen’s focus during the School-In project was to look at school development from a systemic perspective and appropriate working methods that create collective responsibility.

Stefanie Hillen bei Peter Lang GmbH, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften

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