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Person Kerstin te Heesen

Hinweis: Der Name Kerstin te Heesen erscheint bei verschiedenen Verlagen. Es kann sich hierbei um die jeweils selbe Person oder auch um namensgleiche handeln.

Kerstin te Heesen bei Waxmann

Dr. Kerstin te Heesen is a post-doctoral researcher. Her research deals with the social and cultural history of education with an emphasis on the visual and media history of education. She focuses on cultural facets of social transformations using the example of the visual media and combining research in the fields of history of education, history of social and cultural practices, and art history. She was a research associate at the University of Education Schwäbisch Gmünd, the University of Augsburg (both Germany), and the University of Luxembourg. Currently, she is working as an independent researcher and expert. In 2011, her dissertation was awarded the Julius Klinkhardt Prize by the German History of Education Research Association.

Kerstin te Heesen bei Budrich UniPress

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