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Person Jason Stoneking

Jason Stoneking bei Edition Haus am Gern

Jason Stoneking is an American writer living in Paris, France. He has published two collections of poems: Double Edged Pen (Fresh Hell Books 1997) and no demon no god (Onestar Press 2000) and four collections of essays: Audience of One (In Libro Veritas 2011), Audience of Twelve (Happy House Books 2012), Sifting Through (2014), and Audience of None (Happy House Books 2015). He has also released an album, in 2001 as the frontman of the eponymous garage-punk band Stoneking, and has written and directed two short films: Larry's Big Break (2006) in which he also starred, and Knock Knock (2008) starring Joanna Miadowicz and Andrew Shemin. His band was the subject of the 2009 documentary The Stoneking Project by Richard Dailey.

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