Person Jörg Berchem
Hinweis: Der Name Jörg Berchem erscheint bei verschiedenen Verlagen. Es kann sich hierbei um die jeweils selbe Person oder auch um namensgleiche handeln.Jörg Berchem bei BoD – Books on Demand
Dr. Berchem is a professional naturopathic holistic health practitioner and scholar of human ecology. For him, holistic naturopathy means, to meet all people seeking his advice with caring attention, to accept them in their so-being, to understand them as a totality of body, soul and spirit, and to activate their self-healing power. In his therapeutic practice he strives to unfold everybody's self-healing power, individual potentials by natural means, personal training and individual responsibility. Dr. Berchem's main concern is to reconnect all people seeking his advice with their inner and outer nature, and to develop a positive emotionality and love.
Dr. Berchem is visiting lecturer on international conferences and tutor of personal, vocational and advanced trainings. Being an autonomous scientist, he is interested in multidisciplinary topics. His publications focus mainly on ethnological, linguistic and naturopathic themes.