Person Corinna MorandiCorinna Morandi bei Springer International Publishingletzte lieferbare Neuerscheinungen: Mega-Events and Legacies in Post-Metropolitan SpacesExpos and Urban AgendasStefano Di VitaSpringer International PublishingSoftcover201858,84 € Mega-Events and Legacies in Post-Metropolitan SpacesExpos and Urban AgendasStefano Di VitaSpringer International PublishingHardcover201758,84 € Mega-Events and Legacies in Post-Metropolitan SpacesExpos and Urban AgendasStefano Di VitaSpringer International PublishingSoftcover201858,84 € Mega-Events and Legacies in Post-Metropolitan SpacesExpos and Urban AgendasStefano Di VitaSpringer International PublishingHardcover201758,84 € Mega-Events and Legacies in Post-Metropolitan SpacesExpos and Urban AgendasStefano Di VitaSpringer International PublishingeBook201758,84 € From Smart City to Smart RegionDigital Services for an Internet of PlacesCorinna MorandiSpringer International PublishingSoftcover201558,84 € From Smart City to Smart RegionDigital Services for an Internet of PlacesCorinna MorandiSpringer International PublishingeBook201558,84 €