Proceedings of 3rd 2023 International Conference on Autonomous Unmanned Systems (3rd ICAUS 2023)
Volume VII
herausgegeben von Yi Qu, Mancang Gu, Yifeng Niu und Wenxing FuThis book includes original, peer-reviewed research papers from the 3rd ICAUS 2023, which provides a unique and engaging platform for scientists, engineers and practitioners from all over the world to present and share their most recent research results and innovative ideas. The 3rd ICAUS 2023 aims to stimulate researchers working in areas relevant to intelligent unmanned systems. Topics covered include but are not limited to: Unmanned Aerial/Ground/Surface/Underwater Systems, Robotic, Autonomous Control/Navigation and Positioning/ Architecture, Energy and Task Planning and Effectiveness Evaluation Technologies, Artificial Intelligence Algorithm/Bionic Technology and their Application in Unmanned Systems.
The papers presented here share the latest findings in unmanned systems, robotics, automation, intelligent systems, control systems, integrated networks, modelling and simulation. This makes the book a valuable resource for researchers, engineers and students alike.