Interculturality Between East and West von Fred Dervin | Unthink, Dialogue and Rethink | ISBN 9789811684920

Interculturality Between East and West

Unthink, Dialogue and Rethink

von Fred Dervin, Sude, Mei Yuan und Ning Chen
Autor / AutorinFred Dervin
Autor / AutorinSude
Autor / AutorinMei Yuan
Autor / AutorinNing Chen
Buchcover Interculturality Between East and West | Fred Dervin | EAN 9789811684920 | ISBN 981-16-8492-8 | ISBN 978-981-16-8492-0

Interculturality Between East and West

Unthink, Dialogue and Rethink

von Fred Dervin, Sude, Mei Yuan und Ning Chen
Autor / AutorinFred Dervin
Autor / AutorinSude
Autor / AutorinMei Yuan
Autor / AutorinNing Chen

This book urges readers to develop a radical capacity to unthink and rethink interculturality, through multiple, pluri-perspectival and honest dialogues between the authors, and their students. This book does not give interculturality a normative scaffolding but envisages it differently by identifying some of its polyphonic textures. China’s rich engagement with interculturality serves to support the importance of being curious about other ways of thinking about the notion beyond the ‘West’ only. As such, the issues of culture, identity, language, translation, intercultural competence and silent transformations (amongst others) are re-evaluated in a different light. This is a highly informative and carefully presented book, providing scientific insights for readers with an interest in interculturality.