Measuring and Developing Professional Competences in COMET von Felix Rauner | Method Manual | ISBN 9789811609572

Measuring and Developing Professional Competences in COMET

Method Manual

von Felix Rauner
Buchcover Measuring and Developing Professional Competences in COMET | Felix Rauner | EAN 9789811609572 | ISBN 981-16-0957-8 | ISBN 978-981-16-0957-2

Measuring and Developing Professional Competences in COMET

Method Manual

von Felix Rauner
This book is a detailed manual for the implementation of competence diagnostics in the field of vocational training. With the COMET competence model, both conceptual competences as well as practical skills are recorded and evaluated. The manual guides through all methodological steps, including the preparation and implementation of tests, cross and longitudinal studies, the development of context analyses and measurement methods for the test motivation. The focus of the final chapter is the application of the COMET procedure for the design, organisation and evaluation of vocational education and training processes.