Excited States in Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry | Proceedings of the Tenth Jerusalem Syposium on Quantum Chemistry and Biochemistry held in Jerusalem, Israel, March 28/31, 1977 | ISBN 9789401012737

Excited States in Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry

Proceedings of the Tenth Jerusalem Syposium on Quantum Chemistry and Biochemistry held in Jerusalem, Israel, March 28/31, 1977

herausgegeben von A. Pullman und N. Goldblum
Herausgegeben vonA. Pullman
Herausgegeben vonN. Goldblum
Buchcover Excited States in Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry  | EAN 9789401012737 | ISBN 94-010-1273-3 | ISBN 978-94-010-1273-7

Excited States in Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry

Proceedings of the Tenth Jerusalem Syposium on Quantum Chemistry and Biochemistry held in Jerusalem, Israel, March 28/31, 1977

herausgegeben von A. Pullman und N. Goldblum
Herausgegeben vonA. Pullman
Herausgegeben vonN. Goldblum
XIII, 448 p.