Criminal Justice in Germany von Jörg-Martin Jehle | Facts and Figures | ISBN 9783964100139

Criminal Justice in Germany

Facts and Figures

von Jörg-Martin Jehle
Buchcover Criminal Justice in Germany | Jörg-Martin Jehle | EAN 9783964100139 | ISBN 3-96410-013-7 | ISBN 978-3-96410-013-9

Criminal Justice in Germany

Facts and Figures

von Jörg-Martin Jehle
This publication uses selected statistical data to present a realistic picture of punishable behaviour and the prosecution of criminal offences. Beyond this, it aims to provide an insight into how our criminal justice system works. All stages of criminal justice are described, from the work of police, prosecutors and judges, to sentencing, corrections and probation. Criminal Justice in Germany contains a dedicated section with figures on offender-victim mediation. It has been rounded off with a chapter on reoffending and some comparative statistics for Europe. However, a publication of this sort can only paint a picture of selected areas. It would go beyond the scope of this publication to cover all branches of criminal procedure and all available penalties together with the relevant figures. The figures presented in the following chapters have been taken from current statistics, which naturally refer to previous years.