L as in Love (Book Two) von Ruth Gogoll | ISBN 9783956091803

L as in Love (Book Two)

von Ruth Gogoll, aus dem Deutschen übersetzt von Susan Way
Buchcover L as in Love (Book Two) | Ruth Gogoll | EAN 9783956091803 | ISBN 3-95609-180-9 | ISBN 978-3-95609-180-3

L as in Love (Book Two)

von Ruth Gogoll, aus dem Deutschen übersetzt von Susan Way
The ladies you love ... and the ladies who love each other ... come from the worlds of publishing, big business, journalism, and more - where they earn their livings by using their brains, their hands, or sometimes their naked bodies. In Book Two, couples re-arrange with other partners, singles search, and they all try to figure out whether sex really is that important, whether their relationships really are secure, whether friendship can indeed become love ... or whether ex-lovers can really be friends. Rick, Carolin, Anna, Rebekka, Marlene, Anita, Sabrina, Chris and all the rest converge at Melly's Sappho Café in the midst of their lives of pleasure and pain, laughter, lightheartedness, luck, and lust - but mostly, „L - as in Love“!