Modern Pool von Ralph Eckert | Technique, Training and Tactics | ISBN 9783946128007

Modern Pool

Technique, Training and Tactics

von Ralph Eckert, aus dem Deutschen übersetzt von Oliver Samstag
Buchcover Modern Pool | Ralph Eckert | EAN 9783946128007 | ISBN 3-946128-00-9 | ISBN 978-3-946128-00-7

Modern Pool

Technique, Training and Tactics

von Ralph Eckert, aus dem Deutschen übersetzt von Oliver Samstag
Over 300 illustrations and 40 photographs guide you step by step along the way of learning the game(s) of pool billiards. No previous knowledge or abilities are assumed, but you will still be led toward your individually attainable level of performance. And this, if necessary, up to the most intricate subtleties of this wonderful game. Pool billiards is more than just a brilliant coordination of mental and physical adroitness. Hardly any sport can deliver more enjoyment of one's achievements and abilities as this one.