Berufsschule im dualen System - Daten, Strukturen, Konzepte von Monika Hackel | ISBN 9783945981801

Berufsschule im dualen System - Daten, Strukturen, Konzepte

von Monika Hackel, Christoph Junggeburth, Anita Milolaza, Magret Reymers und Maria Zöller
Autor / AutorinMonika Hackel
Autor / AutorinChristoph Junggeburth
Autor / AutorinAnita Milolaza
Autor / AutorinMagret Reymers
Autor / AutorinMaria Zöller
Buchcover Berufsschule im dualen System - Daten, Strukturen, Konzepte | Monika Hackel | EAN 9783945981801 | ISBN 3-945981-80-8 | ISBN 978-3-945981-80-1

Berufsschule im dualen System - Daten, Strukturen, Konzepte

von Monika Hackel, Christoph Junggeburth, Anita Milolaza, Magret Reymers und Maria Zöller
Autor / AutorinMonika Hackel
Autor / AutorinChristoph Junggeburth
Autor / AutorinAnita Milolaza
Autor / AutorinMagret Reymers
Autor / AutorinMaria Zöller
In its capacity as a dual learning venue partner, the part-time vocational school is an important pillar within the context of training in the dual system. Its tasks are to impart the theoretical training contents set out in the skeleton curriculum and to enhance the general education of pupils. The present study provides an insight into pupil numbers and the structures of the part-time vocational school and uses selected training occupations as examples to show the requirements currently emerging for this dual learning venue partner, especially against the background of demographic developments. The results reveal that possible solutions to overcome the present challenges will also always need multi-perspective analyses and consideration of federal state-specific and regional differences.