Do You Speak Cosmic? von Anjana Gill | A Celestial Language Course | ISBN 9783945707081

Do You Speak Cosmic?

A Celestial Language Course

von Anjana Gill, aus dem Deutschen übersetzt von James M. Croft
Buchcover Do You Speak Cosmic? | Anjana Gill | EAN 9783945707081 | ISBN 3-945707-08-0 | ISBN 978-3-945707-08-1

Do You Speak Cosmic?

A Celestial Language Course

von Anjana Gill, aus dem Deutschen übersetzt von James M. Croft
English is the global language and connects people on this earth. Cosmic is the language of worlds, the language between the worlds. This language connects YOU with the cosmos, with your invisible helpers. But Cosmic is more than just a language:
Cosmic is the new lifestyle! A bit of heavenly help in everyday life wouldn’t be so bad, would it? Now you have the opportunity to experience it! You will discover things of which you hardly dared to dream. You will solve seemingly unsolvable problems. You will overcome obstacles, and wonderful “coincidences” will be part of your daily life. “Searching” is earthly. In Cosmic this becomes: “Finding”! “You need connections for that!” – That is earthly. In Cosmic you answer: “I have the best connections one can have:
celestial connections!”
All is told to you – always and everywhere! 24/7