Scintillation of the Precious Vajra von Sherab Jungne | The Life Path of Complete Liberation of the Dharma Lord Jigten Sumgön - With the biography of the author "Roaring Thunder of Fame" | ISBN 9783945457399

Scintillation of the Precious Vajra

The Life Path of Complete Liberation of the Dharma Lord Jigten Sumgön - With the biography of the author "Roaring Thunder of Fame"

von Sherab Jungne, aus dem Deutschen übersetzt von Edith C. Watts
Buchcover Scintillation of the Precious Vajra | Sherab Jungne | EAN 9783945457399 | ISBN 3-945457-39-4 | ISBN 978-3-945457-39-9
Am Buddhismus, Drikung Kagyü, Jigten Sumgön Interessierte

Scintillation of the Precious Vajra

The Life Path of Complete Liberation of the Dharma Lord Jigten Sumgön - With the biography of the author "Roaring Thunder of Fame"

von Sherab Jungne, aus dem Deutschen übersetzt von Edith C. Watts
Jigten Sumgön (1143–1217) is the founder of the Drikung Kagyu school of Tibetan Buddhism. His nephew and disciple Chenga Sherab Jungne recorded the authentic biography on which all later biographies are based. In this life story, Jigten Sumgön’s path to liberation becomes discernible as the overcoming of all mental defi lements, faults and confusions. Through this, his closest disciples and other Tibetan and Indian saints recognise in their master the reincarnation of Nagarjuna and a perfect buddha. The brief biography of the author, Chenga Sherab Jungne, provides additional insights into the founding years of the Drikung Kagyu tradition.