Quizmaster von Boris Pfeiffer | Growth hack your marketing through quizzes and personality tests | ISBN 9783944411767


Growth hack your marketing through quizzes and personality tests

von Boris Pfeiffer und Mike Hawkins
Autor / AutorinBoris Pfeiffer
Autor / AutorinMike Hawkins
Buchcover Quizmaster | Boris Pfeiffer | EAN 9783944411767 | ISBN 3-944411-76-5 | ISBN 978-3-944411-76-7


Growth hack your marketing through quizzes and personality tests

von Boris Pfeiffer und Mike Hawkins
Autor / AutorinBoris Pfeiffer
Autor / AutorinMike Hawkins
Quizzes are big these days. Really big.
You must have seen online quizzes or personality tests like these on your social feed:
“Which Harry Potter character are you?” “How many country capitals can you name?” “What’s your ideal career?”
According to AdWeek, quizzes and personality tests are the most shared content on social media - and every day, your friends and family will post a quiz or test result like “My spirit animal is ‘Tiger’ - what is yours? Take the test to find out!”
As a marketer, if you are not using quizzes and tests to promote your brand and to collect leads yet, you are missing out on a powerful sales and customer retention tool.
Best of all - quizzes get your potential customers involved. Instead of bombarding them with ads, use quizzes to get them clicking and volunteering information that will help you match your products and services to their needs.
In this book, we’ll show you how to easily create the perfect online quiz to drive engagement, social shares and (most importantly) sales.