Learn to Juggle - Success Guaranteed (eBook) von Stephan Ehlers | ISBN 9783940965981

Learn to Juggle - Success Guaranteed (eBook)

von Stephan Ehlers, illustriert von Marlin Clifford, übersetzt von Frank McLynn
Buchcover Learn to Juggle - Success Guaranteed (eBook) | Stephan Ehlers | EAN 9783940965981 | ISBN 3-940965-98-7 | ISBN 978-3-940965-98-1

Learn to Juggle - Success Guaranteed (eBook)

von Stephan Ehlers, illustriert von Marlin Clifford, übersetzt von Frank McLynn
This book will teach you step-by-step to juggle with three balsl in an amazingly short amount of time. Guaranteed! JONGLORO presents 34 throw and catch exercises. He starts with one ball, then he shows exercises with two balls. You will ultimately be able to jugge with three balls. You will be delighted.