Escaping Toxic Ties von Dirk Stemper | Unraveling & Defeating Destructive Relationship Habits | ISBN 9783910816039

Escaping Toxic Ties

Unraveling & Defeating Destructive Relationship Habits

von Dirk Stemper
Buchcover Escaping Toxic Ties | Dirk Stemper | EAN 9783910816039 | ISBN 3-910816-03-7 | ISBN 978-3-910816-03-9
This book is for anyone who is in toxic relationships or has been in the past. It addresses people who are looking for explanations and solutions to break out of such relationships and heal themselves. Likewise, it addresses those who want to build relationships in a healthy and satisfying way. The book offers a comprehensive look at the dynamics of toxic relationships and offers practical advice on identifying warning signs, overcoming codependency, strengthening one's boundaries, and promoting mental health. It appeals to both women and men and is appropriate for all ages. Whether you're trapped in a toxic couple relationship, a toxic family, a toxic friendship, or a toxic workplace, this book offers valuable tools to help you break free from harmful relationships and live a more fulfilling life.

Escaping Toxic Ties

Unraveling & Defeating Destructive Relationship Habits

von Dirk Stemper
Toxic relationships from A to Z The ABC of toxic relationships: Forms, causes, and ways out. The book „Escaping Toxic Ties“ by Dr. Dirk Stemper is a warmhearted guide for anyone who wants to break out of unhealthy patterns. It sheds light on why we get into toxic relationships, what the consequences are, and what patterns are causative. Readers learn how to break free by changing their life scripts and challenging their core beliefs. The book covers all toxic relationships, from unhealthy couple relationships, families, and friendships to work and the online world. It helps readers develop a new identity and a better future in healthy relationships.