Fillers for Paints von Detlef Gysau | 2nd Revised Edition | ISBN 9783866308077

Fillers for Paints

2nd Revised Edition

von Detlef Gysau
Buchcover Fillers for Paints | Detlef Gysau | EAN 9783866308077 | ISBN 3-86630-807-8 | ISBN 978-3-86630-807-7

Studierende in beschichtungstechnologischen Fach- und Hochschulstudiengängen
Fachliche Ein- und Umsteiger in der Lackforschung und -Entwicklung
Fachleute (Ingenieure und Chemiker) der betrieblichen Beschichtungspraxis
Laboranten und Techniker in der Lackindustrie

Fillers for Paints

2nd Revised Edition

von Detlef Gysau
The revised eBook edition of this reference includes more sub chapters about new fillers, production technology, analytics and applications. Furthermore it sets out to convey the latest knowledge in a straightforward and understandable manner, without compromising scientific objectivity and rigour.
Some new topics are: Sustainability, Carbon Footprint and Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). A special plus is the large number of figures and tables for illustrating the properties and applications of the fillers.
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