[Un]Grounding | Post-Foundational Geographies | ISBN 9783839450734


Post-Foundational Geographies

herausgegeben von Friederike Landau, Lucas Pohl und Nikolai Roskamm
Herausgegeben vonFriederike Landau
Herausgegeben vonLucas Pohl
Herausgegeben vonNikolai Roskamm
Buchcover [Un]Grounding  | EAN 9783839450734 | ISBN 3-8394-5073-X | ISBN 978-3-8394-5073-4

Lazaros Karaliotas, Urban Studies, 60/10 (2023): [The book] provides a stimulating developmentof a post-foundational spatial theory.

Valerie Scheibenpflug, sub\urban, 9/3-4 (2021): [Das Buch] zeigt [nicht nur], dass der Raum eine zentrale Rolle in postfundamentalistischem Denken spielt, sondern, dass eine Auseinandersetzung zwischen Politischer Theorie, human geography und urban studies äußerst fruchtbar zu sein scheint.

Joe Blakey, Urban Studies, 60/10 (2023): [The book] creates a series of helpful and often innovative hooks to inspire future post-foundational geographical scholarship.

Joe Blakey, Urban Studies, 60/10 (2023): [Un]Grounding creates a series of helpful and often innovative hooks to inspire futre post-foundational geographical scholarship.

Matina Kapsali, Urban Studies, 60/10 (2023): [Un]Grounding provides a stimulating developmentof a post-foundational spatial theory.


Post-Foundational Geographies

herausgegeben von Friederike Landau, Lucas Pohl und Nikolai Roskamm
Herausgegeben vonFriederike Landau
Herausgegeben vonLucas Pohl
Herausgegeben vonNikolai Roskamm
Post-foundationalism departs from the assumption that there is no ground, necessity, or objective rationale for human political existence or action. The edited volume puts contemporary debates arising from the »spatial turn« in cultural and social sciences in a dialogue with post-foundational theories of space and place to devise post-foundationalism as radical approach to urban studies. This approach enables us to think about space not only as socially produced, but also as crucially marked by conflict, radical negativity, and absence. The contributors undertake a (re-)reading of key spatial and/or post-foundational theorists to introduce their respective understandings of politics and space, and offer examples of post-foundational empirical analyses of urban protests, spatial occupation, and everyday life.