Russia and the EU in a Multipolar World von Andrey Makarychev | Discourses, Identities, Norms | ISBN 9783838265292

Russia and the EU in a Multipolar World

Discourses, Identities, Norms

von Andrey Makarychev, Vorwort von Klaus Segbers
Autor / AutorinAndrey Makarychev
Vorwort vonKlaus Segbers
Reihe herausgegeben vonAndreas Umland
Buchcover Russia and the EU in a Multipolar World | Andrey Makarychev | EAN 9783838265292 | ISBN 3-8382-6529-7 | ISBN 978-3-8382-6529-2
„At a time when Western-Russian relations are in marked decline, Makarychev provides a well-structured, theoretically informed, and empirically rich account of the state and prospects of EU-Russia relations today. Providing concrete and well-argued policy recommendations, this book comes at the right moment in time and should find a wide readership among both Western and Russian observers and makers of foreign policy alike.“ Andreas Umland, Kyiv-Mohyla Academy
Andrey Makarychev is a true pioneer in the application of constructivist framework of analysis to the study of EU-Russia relations. This is a book that masterfully analyses the clash of identities ad communicative disconnect between the EU and Russia. And it does so by looking at the changing identities of both players. Makarychev brilliantly uses the latest theoretical tools to give the reader a deeper understanding of what the EU-Russia relationship is about. Nicu Popescu, EU Institute for Security Studies, Paris
A fresh illumination of the core relationship in europe, i. e. between Germany and Rusisa. This book offers reflection in the best way: provoking both, agreement and disagreement. That makes it a truly constructive contribution. Klaus Segbers, Free University of Berlin

Russia and the EU in a Multipolar World

Discourses, Identities, Norms

von Andrey Makarychev, Vorwort von Klaus Segbers
Autor / AutorinAndrey Makarychev
Vorwort vonKlaus Segbers
Reihe herausgegeben vonAndreas Umland
This timely book offers a multifaceted analysis of EU-Russian relations, drawing on the investigation of competing models of international society. Makarychev argues that the huge variety of interest-based and normative models is best explained through the study of foreign policy and identity discourses. His approach defies simplistic explanations of EU-Russian relations as either destined for cooperation or doomed to constant collisions. Instead, Makarychev unveils multiple alternatives that both the EU and Russia face in their policies toward each other. Assessing the repercussions ongoing EU-Russian discord has on Europe and the world, Makarychev`s volume reveals the interconnectedness of the discourses dominating the EU and Russia while also accounting for the deep-seated disconnect between them.