Tabletop Intense Femtosecond Pulse Sources and Their Applications | ISBN 9783709101124

Tabletop Intense Femtosecond Pulse Sources and Their Applications

herausgegeben von A. Baltuska und Giulio Cerullo
Herausgegeben vonA. Baltuska
Herausgegeben vonGiulio Cerullo
Buchcover Tabletop Intense Femtosecond Pulse Sources and Their Applications  | EAN 9783709101124 | ISBN 3-7091-0112-3 | ISBN 978-3-7091-0112-4

Tabletop Intense Femtosecond Pulse Sources and Their Applications

herausgegeben von A. Baltuska und Giulio Cerullo
Herausgegeben vonA. Baltuska
Herausgegeben vonGiulio Cerullo

This is the first comprehensive treatment of intense femtosecond pulse generation techniques and applications. Two main facets of the intense ultra short pulse research are presented: A snapshot of the current status and trends in the development of tabletop ultra fast sources compatible with the format of a standard research lab or a mobile unit is afforded the reader. Additionally, the book reviews numerous exciting applications and secondary radiation sources enabled by the emergence of such lasers. This book bridges the gap between two communities of users and source developers. It will help researchers to harness the revolutionary potential of intense tabletop lasers. The book gives an authoritative overview, written by the top experts in the field, of the existing and prospective technology of compact sources and the opportunities in science already enabled by the advent of these sources. The topics are presented in a tutorial fashion, enabling the interested reader to find within a single volume both an at-a-glance snapshot of the field as well as offering detailed information and references on advanced concepts ranging from „tools of the trade“ to applications.