Multidisciplinary Approach to Earthquake Prediction | Proceedings of the International Symposium on Earthquake Prediction in the North Anatolian Fault Zone held in Istanbul, March 31–April 5, 1980 | ISBN 9783663140153

Multidisciplinary Approach to Earthquake Prediction

Proceedings of the International Symposium on Earthquake Prediction in the North Anatolian Fault Zone held in Istanbul, March 31–April 5, 1980

herausgegeben von A. Mete Işikara und Andreas Vogel
Herausgegeben vonA. Mete Işikara
Herausgegeben vonAndreas Vogel
Buchcover Multidisciplinary Approach to Earthquake Prediction  | EAN 9783663140153 | ISBN 3-663-14015-6 | ISBN 978-3-663-14015-3

Multidisciplinary Approach to Earthquake Prediction

Proceedings of the International Symposium on Earthquake Prediction in the North Anatolian Fault Zone held in Istanbul, March 31–April 5, 1980

herausgegeben von A. Mete Işikara und Andreas Vogel
Herausgegeben vonA. Mete Işikara
Herausgegeben vonAndreas Vogel


Geological history of the North Anatolian Fault Zone.- Tectonics of the North Anatolian Transform Fault.- Paleo-, Tardi- and Neotectonic Mechanisms of the Present North Anatolian Fault Zone in the Light of the Structural History of the Eurasian Margin in the Pontic Ranges.- Structural Evidence for Left-Lateral Displacement on the North Anatolian Fault Zone During the Plio-Pleistocene.- Geology of an Area in and Around the Northern Anatolian Transform Fault Zone Between Bolu and Akyazi.- Comparisons Between the North Anatolian Fault of Turkey and the San Andreas Fault of California.- Seismotectonics: Seismicity statistics according to historical and instrumental records, focal mechanism, relations between seismic activity and neotectonics.- Identification of Swarm Activity Using the MARNET Telemetered Seismometer-Network.- Earthquake Activity on the North Anatolian Fault Zone.- A Rational Approach for the Probabilistic Assessment of the Seismic Risk Associated with the North Anatolian Fault.- Seismotectonic Aspects of the North Anatolian Fault Zone Between Bolu and Havza.- Relationship Between Fault Geometry and Some Earthquake Epicentres within the North Anatolian Zone.- Preliminary Studies of Seismic Risk in Turkey, and the Occurrence of Upper Bounded and Other Large Earthquake Magnitudes.- Faults and Recently Active Breaks Along the North Anatolian Fault Zone Between Gerede and Ilgaz.- Some Aspects of the Seismicity in the North Anatolian Fault Zone.- A Comparative Analysis of the Seismotectonic Characteristics of the North Anatolian Fracture Zone and the Fracture System of Inner Dinarides.- Fatigue Crack Propagation Along the Anatolian Faults and Levant Coast and Earthquake Prediction.- Some Aspects of the North Anatolian Fault Zone Derived from the Comparison of itsInstrumental Data with Historical Information.- A Statistical Analysis of the Major and Microearthquakes Along the East-Anatolian Fault.- Pre-earthquake strain and triggering effects from continuous records.- Possible Use of Tilt and Tidal Measurements for Earthquake Prediction.- Normal Earthquake Gravitational Precursors from Earth-Tide Data.- Creep Measurements in the Ismetpa? a Region of the North Anatolian Fault Zone.- Pre-earthquake strain and deformation from repeated high-precision geodetic surveys.- Possible Use of the Turkish National Triangulation Network for the Study of Crustal Movements in the North Anatolian Fault Zone.- ?2 Testing for Survey of Recent Crustal Deformation in Akyazi/Adapazari.- Detection of Crustal Motion by Repeated Geometric Observations.- Land Deformation Control Network in the Epicentral Region of the 1978 Earthquakes in Northern Greece.- Methods of Variance Analysis for the Evaluation of Geodetic Control Nets in Relation to Crustal Movements.- A Geometric-Gravimetric Estimation Procedure for Most Accurate Determination of Relative Point Displacements in Local Areas — Proposal and First Study of Sensitivity.- Suggestions for High Precision Gravity Measurements in Geodynamic and Earthquake Prediction Research.- Physical state and processes of changing physical rock properties in the earthquake source region.- Physical Parameters in the Earthquake Source Region and Their Temporal Changes.- Polarization Anomalies as Diagnostics of Dilatancy.- An Experiment to Investigate Polarization Anomalies in North Anatolia.- Possible Information on Local Features of the Focal Region Based on Geomagnetic Field Data Recorded After the Main Shock.- Investigations of Geophysical Parameters in the Area of Carinthia and Friuli in Relation toSeismicity.- Note on the Application of the PCA Method — A Possible Approach to the Problem of Elimination of Non-Local Geomagnetic Field Changes.- Space techniques in geodynamics and earthquake prediction research.- Application of Space Technology in Earthquake Prediction Research — A Short Review.- The Background to High Mobility Space Geodetic Techniques for Geodynamic and Earthquake Prediction Research.- The Installation of a Spacebome Ranging System for the Detection of Crustal Movements in the North Anatolian Fault Zone.- The Meteosat Data Collection System and its Potential as a Data Relay for Geophysical Measurements.- Theory of earthquake generation and prediction.- Stress Accumulated Mechanisms on Strike-Slip Faults.- Fracture Mechanics Modelling of Earthquake Generating Processes.- Analysis of Stress and Strain Around a Transform Fault.- A Multiple Mode of Faulting Mechanism Proposed for the North Anatolian Fault and Prediction of Related Earthquakes.- A Thermal Window in the Lithosphere Underneath North Anatolia and California.- Interdisciplinary approaches to earthquake prediction.- The Concept of a Multidisciplinary Approach to Earthquake Prediction.- Deterministic Earthquake Prediction — Present Stage and Future Developments.- Earthquake Research on the San Andreas Fault Zone, California.