Metal Implant Allergy and Immuno-Allergological Compatibility Aspects of Ceramic Materials von Peter Thomas | ISBN 9783662474402

Metal Implant Allergy and Immuno-Allergological Compatibility Aspects of Ceramic Materials

von Peter Thomas
Buchcover Metal Implant Allergy and Immuno-Allergological Compatibility Aspects of Ceramic Materials | Peter Thomas | EAN 9783662474402 | ISBN 3-662-47440-9 | ISBN 978-3-662-47440-2

Metal Implant Allergy and Immuno-Allergological Compatibility Aspects of Ceramic Materials

von Peter Thomas

Nickel, chromium and cobalt or bone cement might potentially trigger contact allergies and thus in turn lead to implant incompatibility. For the first time a clinical algorithm has been developped for procedures in clinical practice for when an implant allergy is suspected. Algorithm comes as a separate laminated loose insert.