Organ-Selective Actions of Steroid Hormones | ISBN 9783662091531

Organ-Selective Actions of Steroid Hormones

herausgegeben von D.T. Baird, G. Schütz und R. Krattenmacher
Herausgegeben vonD.T. Baird
Herausgegeben vonG. Schütz
Herausgegeben vonR. Krattenmacher
Buchcover Organ-Selective Actions of Steroid Hormones  | EAN 9783662091531 | ISBN 3-662-09153-4 | ISBN 978-3-662-09153-1

Organ-Selective Actions of Steroid Hormones

herausgegeben von D.T. Baird, G. Schütz und R. Krattenmacher
Herausgegeben vonD.T. Baird
Herausgegeben vonG. Schütz
Herausgegeben vonR. Krattenmacher
Steroids regulate differentiation, growth and functioning of many tissues via a nuclear receptor gene activation mechanism. Molecular biology has opened the way for more detailed investigation of the complex set of intracellular interactions contributing to organ-selective actions of steroids and steroid-like compounds such as vitamin D. In this volume leading experts address basic molecular mechanisms of tissue specificity and related issue, with the goal of attaining a better understanding of the underlying mechanisms of organ selective actions of steroids. Discussed is the extent to which tissue specificity might selectively be modified by chemical modification of the hormones and how this may be applied towards improved therapies by taking advantage of tissue selectivity.