Narrative Design von Giulia Cordin | The Designer as an Instigator of Changes | ISBN 9783653058758

Narrative Design

The Designer as an Instigator of Changes

von Giulia Cordin
Buchcover Narrative Design | Giulia Cordin | EAN 9783653058758 | ISBN 3-653-05875-9 | ISBN 978-3-653-05875-8

Narrative Design

The Designer as an Instigator of Changes

von Giulia Cordin
Designers are usually considered as problem solvers: but what if, instead of solving problems, they pose them? The author opens a discussion on the role and the emerging strategies of designers in today’s society. She presents historical and contemporary perspectives through design practices committed to provide proposals and solutions to social issues. Her analysis of several case studies results in an approach to design as a narrative medium.