Last Things: Essays on Ends and Endings | ISBN 9783653043204

Last Things: Essays on Ends and Endings

herausgegeben von Gavin Hopps, Stella Neumann, Sven Strasen und Peter Wenzel
Herausgegeben vonGavin Hopps
Herausgegeben vonStella Neumann
Herausgegeben vonSven Strasen
Herausgegeben vonPeter Wenzel
Buchcover Last Things: Essays on Ends and Endings  | EAN 9783653043204 | ISBN 3-653-04320-4 | ISBN 978-3-653-04320-4

Last Things: Essays on Ends and Endings

herausgegeben von Gavin Hopps, Stella Neumann, Sven Strasen und Peter Wenzel
Herausgegeben vonGavin Hopps
Herausgegeben vonStella Neumann
Herausgegeben vonSven Strasen
Herausgegeben vonPeter Wenzel

This multidisciplinary collection brings together scholars from the fields of literature, theology and linguistics who question and extend our taken-for-granted conceptions of The End . It focuses on the ways in which endings are formally signaled in literature, and sets these alongside parallel studies in journalism and film. However, it is also concerned with larger philosophical and historical notions of closure, impermanence, rupture and apocalypse as well as the possibilities of «posthumous» being. It gives examples from fairytales, Byron, Longfellow, Dillard, Barnes and South African writers.