Economic Sociodynamics von Ruslan Grinberg | ISBN 9783540274001

Economic Sociodynamics

von Ruslan Grinberg und Alexander Rubinstein
Autor / AutorinRuslan Grinberg
Autor / AutorinAlexander Rubinstein
Buchcover Economic Sociodynamics | Ruslan Grinberg | EAN 9783540274001 | ISBN 3-540-27400-6 | ISBN 978-3-540-27400-1

Economic Sociodynamics

von Ruslan Grinberg und Alexander Rubinstein
Autor / AutorinRuslan Grinberg
Autor / AutorinAlexander Rubinstein

In this ambitious book, the authors challenge mainstream economic theory by reconsidering the principle of individualism as its foundation. They refer to that version which fails to recognize the existence of the interests of society as such, and thus excludes the role of the state as an independent market player seeking to realize these interests. The outcome is a new theoretical concept called „Economic Sociodynamics“. The book reveals this concept in detail, in particular its key notions of the sociodynamic multiplier and the rational behavior of the state.