Die Zisterzienser von Jörg Oberste | ISBN 9783170243903

Die Zisterzienser

von Jörg Oberste
Autor / AutorinJörg Oberste
Reihe herausgegeben vonChristoph Dartmann
Reihe herausgegeben vonKlaus Unterburger
Reihe herausgegeben vonFranz Xaver Bischof
Buchcover Die Zisterzienser | Jörg Oberste | EAN 9783170243903 | ISBN 3-17-024390-X | ISBN 978-3-17-024390-3

Die Zisterzienser

von Jörg Oberste
Autor / AutorinJörg Oberste
Reihe herausgegeben vonChristoph Dartmann
Reihe herausgegeben vonKlaus Unterburger
Reihe herausgegeben vonFranz Xaver Bischof
Cistercians are the reform order of Benedictine monks dating back to the High Middle Ages. As ingenious technical designers, they laid down the basis for intensive agriculture. Their ideal of piety was far ahead of the mendicant orders and made the Benedictine order attractive again in the time of the Investiture Controversy.
The book covers the history of the Cistercians from their oundation by Robert of Molesme and Bernard of Clairvaux, through their cultural, scientific and social function in the Middle Ages to the present day, although its focal point - the importance of the order - was in the Middle Ages.