Paul’s Negotiation of Abraham in Galatians 3 in the Jewish Context von Per Jarle Bekken | The Galatian Converts — Lineal Descendants of Abraham and Heirs of the Promise | ISBN 9783110722109

Paul’s Negotiation of Abraham in Galatians 3 in the Jewish Context

The Galatian Converts — Lineal Descendants of Abraham and Heirs of the Promise

von Per Jarle Bekken
Buchcover Paul’s Negotiation of Abraham in Galatians 3 in the Jewish Context | Per Jarle Bekken | EAN 9783110722109 | ISBN 3-11-072210-0 | ISBN 978-3-11-072210-9

„[...] the book is an incredible resource in that it argues powerfully for a Jewish foundation in a book that some read as anti-Jewish. This foundation provides a strong basis for situating Galatians within Jewish thought and therefore as a book that must be interpreted in that light.“

Jason Hensley, in: SCJR 17.1, 2022, https://doi. org/10.6017/scjr. v17i1.15867.

Paul’s Negotiation of Abraham in Galatians 3 in the Jewish Context

The Galatian Converts — Lineal Descendants of Abraham and Heirs of the Promise

von Per Jarle Bekken
This work offers a fresh reading of Paul’s appropriation of Abraham in Gal 3:6–29 against the background of Jewish data, especially drawn from the writings of Philo of Alexandria. Philo’s negotiation on Abraham as the model proselyte and the founder of the Jewish nation based on his trust in God's promise relative to the Law of Moses provides a Jewish context for a corresponding debate reflected in Galatians, and suggests that there were Jewish antecedents that came close to Paul’s reasoning in his own time. This volume incorporates a number of new arguments in the context of scholarly discussion of both Galatian 3 and some of the Philonic texts, and demonstrates how the works of Philo can be applied responsibly in New Testament scholarship.