Bird Ringing Station Manual von Przemyslaw Busse | ISBN 9783110399257

Bird Ringing Station Manual

von Przemyslaw Busse und Wlodzimierz Meissner
Autor / AutorinPrzemyslaw Busse
Autor / AutorinWlodzimierz Meissner
Buchcover Bird Ringing Station Manual | Przemyslaw Busse | EAN 9783110399257 | ISBN 3-11-039925-3 | ISBN 978-3-11-039925-7

Bird Ringing Station Manual

von Przemyslaw Busse und Wlodzimierz Meissner
Autor / AutorinPrzemyslaw Busse
Autor / AutorinWlodzimierz Meissner
In an attempt to standardize elements of the station routine, the book describes the procedures used in passerine and wader ringing stations. It offers a comparative analysis of versatile evaluation techniques such as measurements, orientation experiments and monitoring. The authors meticulously analyze different methods used to track birds, including catching passerines with mist-nets in land and wetland habitat, as well as the use of the Heligoland trap. The monograph, as a successful bid to establish a bird station routine that is favourable to both birds and ringers, will benefit all professional and amateur ringers.