Bestandsmanagement an wissenschaftlichen Bibliotheken von Monika Moravetz-Kuhlmann | ISBN 9783110365184

Bestandsmanagement an wissenschaftlichen Bibliotheken

von Monika Moravetz-Kuhlmann und Rainer Plappert
Autor / AutorinMonika Moravetz-Kuhlmann
Autor / AutorinRainer Plappert
Buchcover Bestandsmanagement an wissenschaftlichen Bibliotheken | Monika Moravetz-Kuhlmann | EAN 9783110365184 | ISBN 3-11-036518-9 | ISBN 978-3-11-036518-4

Bestandsmanagement an wissenschaftlichen Bibliotheken

von Monika Moravetz-Kuhlmann und Rainer Plappert
Autor / AutorinMonika Moravetz-Kuhlmann
Autor / AutorinRainer Plappert
This book offers comprehensive insight into all aspects of modern collection management in academic libraries. It places special emphasis on changing framework conditions in the wake of media transformations in the publishing market. It also offers a detailed presentation of the key operational functions in library acquisition as it is currently practiced.