Intelligent Reflecting Surface-Aided Physical-Layer Security von Feng Shu | ISBN 9783031418129

Intelligent Reflecting Surface-Aided Physical-Layer Security

von Feng Shu und Jiangzhou Wang
Autor / AutorinFeng Shu
Autor / AutorinJiangzhou Wang
Buchcover Intelligent Reflecting Surface-Aided Physical-Layer Security | Feng Shu | EAN 9783031418129 | ISBN 3-031-41812-3 | ISBN 978-3-031-41812-9

Intelligent Reflecting Surface-Aided Physical-Layer Security

von Feng Shu und Jiangzhou Wang
Autor / AutorinFeng Shu
Autor / AutorinJiangzhou Wang

This book discusses the problems of  Physical Layer Security (PLS) in Intelligent Reflecting Surface (IRS)-assisted wireless networks.

It also discusses the corresponding methods to solve these problems in a comprehensive style.  Furthermore, some potential challenges are well analyzed.

This book is divided into 11 chapters.  Chapter 1 introduces the propagation characteristics of IRS-aided PLS communications. From Chapter 2 to Chapter 10,

The authors mainly provide deep investigations of different PLS problems of  IRS-aided wireless networks, namely, directional modulation (DM) networks. Chapter 11 draws a conclusion and includes the future research directions.

Researchers working in wireless communications, or advanced-level computer science or electrical engineering students, can learn about secure communication in the physical layer through our book.

Professionals or engineers working in this field will also benefit from this book.