Fluid Mechanics of Planets and Stars | ISBN 9783030220747

Fluid Mechanics of Planets and Stars

herausgegeben von Michael Le Bars und Daniel Lecoanet
Herausgegeben vonMichael Le Bars
Herausgegeben vonDaniel Lecoanet
Buchcover Fluid Mechanics of Planets and Stars  | EAN 9783030220747 | ISBN 3-030-22074-5 | ISBN 978-3-030-22074-7

Fluid Mechanics of Planets and Stars

herausgegeben von Michael Le Bars und Daniel Lecoanet
Herausgegeben vonMichael Le Bars
Herausgegeben vonDaniel Lecoanet

This book explores the dynamics of planetary and stellar fluid layers, including atmospheres, oceans, iron cores, and convective and radiative zones in stars, describing the different theoretical, computational and experimental methods used to study these problems in fluid mechanics, including the advantages and limitations of each method for different problems. This scientific domain is by nature interdisciplinary and multi-method, but while much effort has been devoted to solving open questions within the various fields of mechanics, applied mathematics, physics, earth sciences and astrophysics, and while much progress has been made within each domain using theoretical, numerical and experimental approaches, cross-fertilizations have remained marginal. Going beyond the state of the art, the book provides readers with a global introduction and an up-to-date overview of relevant studies, fully addressing the wide range of disciplines and methods involved.

The content builds onthe CISM course “Fluid mechanics of planets and stars”, held in April 2018, which was part of the research project FLUDYCO, supported by the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program.