Mathematical Modelling for Teachers von Jürgen Maaß | A Practical Guide to Applicable Mathematics Education | ISBN 9783030004316

Mathematical Modelling for Teachers

A Practical Guide to Applicable Mathematics Education

von Jürgen Maaß, Niamh O’Meara, Patrick Johnson und John O’Donoghue
Autor / AutorinJürgen Maaß
Autor / AutorinNiamh O’Meara
Autor / AutorinPatrick Johnson
Autor / AutorinJohn O’Donoghue
Buchcover Mathematical Modelling for Teachers | Jürgen Maaß | EAN 9783030004316 | ISBN 3-030-00431-7 | ISBN 978-3-030-00431-6
“A practical guide for those who intend to augment their current classroom instruction with opportunities for students to engage in modeling. … The primary audience for this volume is secondary school teachers. It could be read independently, incorporated into pre-service preparation courses, or used as the focus of a departmental study circle. … the methodology promoted by the authors extends well into the college-level courses particularly elementary calculus.” (Katherine Safford-Ramus, MAA Reviews, February, 2019)

Mathematical Modelling for Teachers

A Practical Guide to Applicable Mathematics Education

von Jürgen Maaß, Niamh O’Meara, Patrick Johnson und John O’Donoghue
Autor / AutorinJürgen Maaß
Autor / AutorinNiamh O’Meara
Autor / AutorinPatrick Johnson
Autor / AutorinJohn O’Donoghue

While there are many areas of focus in mathematics education, there are many good reasons for offering applicable   mathematics education  in schools. Let us just mention two of the most important reasons. On the one hand, a focus on the practical side of mathematics presents a convincing and motivating answer to the typical student question: ‘Why study mathematics?’ On the other hand, education policy seems inclined to move in this direction by implementing international testing, curricula and catalogues of skills.

The most important feature of this book is that the authors speak directly to you, the mathematics teachers. The authors attempt to draw you into a continuous dialogue about activities you are asked to engage in as learners. You are asked to do something, and through doing and reflecting you will gain first-hand experience of new approaches and materials. In this way, you can learn to teach applicable mathematics to your students using your own experience as learners of applicable mathematics, motivated and supported by the book.

Here applicable mathematics education is the phrase we use to describe reality-based mathematics education. Reality-based mathematics relies heavily on problem solving and a positive disposition to engage with mathematics. Modelling reality and simulating selected aspects of reality are other pillars of reality-based mathematics education.