Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology of Arteriovenous Accesses for Hemodialysis von Luc Turmel-Rodrigues | ISBN 9782817803661

Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology of Arteriovenous Accesses for Hemodialysis

von Luc Turmel-Rodrigues und Claude J. Renaud
Autor / AutorinLuc Turmel-Rodrigues
Autor / AutorinClaude J. Renaud
Buchcover Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology of Arteriovenous Accesses for Hemodialysis | Luc Turmel-Rodrigues | EAN 9782817803661 | ISBN 2-8178-0366-3 | ISBN 978-2-8178-0366-1

Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology of Arteriovenous Accesses for Hemodialysis

von Luc Turmel-Rodrigues und Claude J. Renaud
Autor / AutorinLuc Turmel-Rodrigues
Autor / AutorinClaude J. Renaud

This is the first textbook entirely dedicated to the endovascular treatment of complications related to arteriovenous accesses for hemodialysis (native fistulas and prosthetic grafts). The book addresses the anatomy of upper limb arteries and veins as well as the clinical presentation of patients and the way to perform and read a fistulogram. Many details and illustrations are provided, clarifying the subtleties in catheterization and the dilation of stenoses. From a strategic point of view, it is explained for the first time that many stenoses must either be ignored or deliberately underdilated. A wealth of images helps to understand the different stages of access recovery from thrombosis. As the number of incident dialysis patients is increasing by 5% every year, this is a field of growing interest. In testament to this there are several annual or bi-annual meetings held by numerous national and international societies (vascularaccesssociety. com, sfav. org, vasamd. org, dialysiscontroversies. org, asdin. org).