Improving Memory and Study Skills von Douglas Herrmann | Advances in Theory and Practice | ISBN 9781616762353

Improving Memory and Study Skills

Advances in Theory and Practice

von Douglas Herrmann, Douglas Raybeck und Michael Gruneberg
Autor / AutorinDouglas Herrmann
Autor / AutorinDouglas Raybeck
Autor / AutorinMichael Gruneberg
Buchcover Improving Memory and Study Skills | Douglas Herrmann | EAN 9781616762353 | ISBN 1-61676-235-7 | ISBN 978-1-61676-235-3

Improving Memory and Study Skills

Advances in Theory and Practice

von Douglas Herrmann, Douglas Raybeck und Michael Gruneberg
Autor / AutorinDouglas Herrmann
Autor / AutorinDouglas Raybeck
Autor / AutorinMichael Gruneberg
This text is designed to serve as a primary text for teaching the science of studying to university and other students. Divided into five main sections, 13 chapters deal with: (1) Fundamentals, including scientific findings concerning learning and studying, and the physiological and psychological basis of memory; (2) Physical and emotional state when studying/taking exams; (3) How best to store and remember information; (4) Using the environment and things around us to help; (5) Integrating the above. Improving Memory and Study Skills is based on the latest research, including that of the authors, on how students study, learn, and remember. The authors collectively have over 100 years of experience in teaching and research about how students can learn more efficiently. This text presents both the rationale and the methods that have led to a new and successful multimodal approach to developing memory and study skills. Not only is the book full of practical recommendations for both teaching and learning these skills. In addition, the scientific reasons for the suggested procedures are clearly laid out, and the explanations in turn are grounded in practical examples. Each of the 13 chapters is rounded off by a concise summary of the most salient points, and the book itself is completed by a comprehensive glossary, and full author and subject indexes.