The Age of Emoji von Sian Morson | Creating the Lexicon of Mobile Communication | ISBN 9781484244364

The Age of Emoji

Creating the Lexicon of Mobile Communication

von Sian Morson
Buchcover The Age of Emoji | Sian Morson | EAN 9781484244364 | ISBN 1-4842-4436-2 | ISBN 978-1-4842-4436-4

The Age of Emoji

Creating the Lexicon of Mobile Communication

von Sian Morson

Follow design trends and opportunities in the world of mobile communication from the early beginnings of the Emoji through to their recent ubiquitous popularity heralded by the introduction of Android and iOS mobile devices. Emoji design is a field rich with history and closely tied to the cultural evolution and innovation surrounding the rise of the smart phone. 
Emoji are not designed in one go and then held universal across platforms. You’ll learn not only how Emoji are designed, but also how they came to be and how they have become a critical mode of communication across the globe. This book illuminates issues with cross-platform Emoji design and how the OS of each platform dictates the outcome. Case studies and interviews with members of the design team for Emoji from Apple and Google’s Android will highlight major platform trends, concerns, and limitations respectively.

You’ll also explore the cultural touchpoints and hotbutton issues that factor into the design of new emoji. With this book, you’ll not only understand the principles of modern Emoji design but where they came from and possibly where they’re going. Become a master of the Emoji—one of today’s most popular languages!

What You'll Learn
  • Review where Emoji come from and what fueled their rise in popularity
  • Examine Kimoji, Kevmoji, Bitmoji, and stickers
  • See why Emoji design requires a unique cross-platform approach 
  • Assess the importance of the Unicode Consortium—a governing body that intensely examines and sometimes publicly debates key choices in Emoji design

Who This Book Is For

Graphic designers working the field of mobile will find a rich and detailed discussion of Emoji design in this book. Additionally, anyone interested in the rise of and nature of Emoji-based communication will find this book informative and engaging.