Dopaminergic Neuron Transplantation in the Weaver Mouse Model of Parkinson’s Disease von Lazaros C. Triarhou | ISBN 9781461506997

Dopaminergic Neuron Transplantation in the Weaver Mouse Model of Parkinson’s Disease

von Lazaros C. Triarhou
Buchcover Dopaminergic Neuron Transplantation in the Weaver Mouse Model of Parkinson’s Disease | Lazaros C. Triarhou | EAN 9781461506997 | ISBN 1-4615-0699-9 | ISBN 978-1-4615-0699-7

Dopaminergic Neuron Transplantation in the Weaver Mouse Model of Parkinson’s Disease

von Lazaros C. Triarhou


  • 1. Introduction.
  • Dopamine and Parkinson’s Disease.
  • Experimental Models of Parkinsonism in Laboratory Animals.
  • Graft-Assisted Neural Reconstruction (“Brainware Engineering”?).
  • References.
  • 2. Biology And Pathology of the Weaver Mutant Mouse.
  • Cellular and Molecular Genetics of the Weaver Mutation.
  • Alterations of the Mesotelencephalic Dopamine Projection System.
  • Cerebellar Phenotype of the Weaver Mutant.
  • Hippocampal Morphology.
  • Biology of Normal ? Mutant Cell Associations.
  • Behavioral Phenotype.
  • Structural Clues to the Weaver Riddle.
  • 3. Histochemical Properties of Intrastriatal Mesencephalic Grafts.
  • Methodological Considerations.
  • Expression of Catecholaminergic Neurotransmitter-Related Molecules and Quantitative Aspects of Dopaminergic Neuron Survival.
  • Comparative Survival of Dopaminergic Neurons in Grafts Placed in Weaver and in 6-OHDA Lesion Hosts.
  • Expression of Neuropeptides and Structural Proteins.
  • 4. Structural Correlates of Process Outgrowth and Circuit Reconstruction.
  • Axonal Reinnervation of the Host Striatum.
  • Synaptic Investment of Graft-Derived Dopamine Terminals.
  • Compartmental Specificity of the Striatal Reinnervation.
  • Innervation of Nonstriatal Regions by the Grafts.
  • Chemoaffinity and Axon-Target Recognition in Development and in Transplantation.
  • Dendrite Extension from the Graft into the Host Striatum.
  • Expression of Molecules Related to Axonal and Dendritic Outgrowth.
  • 5. Neurochemical Indices of Functional Restoration.
  • Dopamine Uptake Markers.
  • Autoradiography of [3H]Dopamine Uptake.
  • Dopamine Receptors.
  • Neurotensin Receptors.
  • Excitatory and Inhibitory Amino Acid Receptors.
  • 6. Behavioral Recovery of Functional Responses.
  • Unilateral Grafts and Circling Behavior.
  • Correlationof Turning Bias with Structural and Biochemical Parameters.
  • Dissociation of the Functional Contribution of Graft-Derived Axons and Dendrites in Rotational Asymmetry.
  • Enhancement of Motor Performance after Bilateral Transplantation.
  • 7. Directions for Future Research.
  • Analysis of Early Events in Graft-Host Interactions.
  • Trophic Considerations.
  • Neurotransmitter Mechanisms.
  • Supplemental Restoration of the Interrupted Nigro-Striato-Nigral Loop by Striatal/Nigral Double Grafts.