Astronomy with a Budget Telescope von Patrick Moore | ISBN 9781447137658

Astronomy with a Budget Telescope

von Patrick Moore und John Watson
Autor / AutorinPatrick Moore
Autor / AutorinJohn Watson
Buchcover Astronomy with a Budget Telescope | Patrick Moore | EAN 9781447137658 | ISBN 1-4471-3765-5 | ISBN 978-1-4471-3765-8

From the reviews:

„This book is aimed at the beginner and gives comprehensive advice on the purchase and use of modest equipment, herein defined as costing less than £300. … Included are tables and color photographs depicting realistic telescopic views alongside the more lavish Hubble images of the same objects. … This book is well structured, giving the reader much useful information … .“ (Andrew Barber, The Observatory, Vol. 123 (1176), 2003)

„This is a first class book, clearly written and laid out in such a way that newcomers to astronomy and the practical use of telescopes that this book was primarily written for will find it easy to read and navigate through. … Very useful are the telescopic images … . A read of Messrs. Moore and Watsons book will be excellent preparation for anyone to read PRIOR to the all important first telescope purchase. … would make a superb starter for anyone new to astronomy!“ (Philip Bridle, BBC Radio, February, 2003)

„Patrick Moore’s name will help to sell Astronomy with a Budget Telescope to budding astronomers, and his chapters on where to point your telescope are invaluable to the first-timer, but it’s John Watson’s technical expertise that provides the bones of the book. … the book will give confidence to those investing their pounds, euros or dollars for the first time.“ (Mick O’Hare, New Scientist, January, 2003)

„Sir Patrick Moore, the legendary TV personality and presenter of BBC1’s The Sky at Night, has linked up with Old Basing astronomer John Watson to write the book, Astronomy with a Budget Telescope. … Astronomy with a Budget Telescope tells you everything you need to know, from shopping for a telescope on a budget to setting it up and using it.“ (Alex Kalinik, The Basigstoke Gazette, November, 2002)


Astronomy with a Budget Telescope

von Patrick Moore und John Watson
Autor / AutorinPatrick Moore
Autor / AutorinJohn Watson
Sir Patrick Moore, CBE, FRS has long been the scourge of those people selling low-cost astronomical telescopes via mail-order catalogues and non-specialist stores. Ten years ago the quality was appalling and disappointment would have been almost guaranteed - but times have changed, and having surveyed some the best and worst of today's inexpensive mail-order catalogue and main-street astronomical telescopes Patrick has admitted to being astonished by how good some of them are. Today, the best are now excellent value and useful instruments. Part One of Astronomy With a Mail-order Telescope provides reports on some available models along with detailed and essential hints and tips about what to look for when buying. Part Two describes how best to use the telescope, which celestial objects to observe (with full-page star charts to help find them), what you can expect to see, and how to take and even computer-enhance astronomical photographs.