Eyes on the Universe von Patrick Moore | The Story of the Telescope | ISBN 9781447106272

Eyes on the Universe

The Story of the Telescope

von Patrick Moore
Buchcover Eyes on the Universe | Patrick Moore | EAN 9781447106272 | ISBN 1-4471-0627-X | ISBN 978-1-4471-0627-2
„By reading this book, one understands better how a TV programme like “the Sky at Night„ may celebrate its 40th anniversary.“ Physicalia

Eyes on the Universe

The Story of the Telescope

von Patrick Moore
Eyes on the Universe is an illustrated history of the telescope, beginning with pre-telescopic observatories and the refractors of Galileo, Lippershey and Digges, and ending with the most modern instruments including - of course - the Hubble Space Telescope. Written by Dr Patrick Moore CBE, to celebrate the 40th Anniversary of the world's longest-running television programme, the BBC's The Sky at Night, the book takes an enthusiastic look at the development of astronomical telescopes. It provides its readers with a fascinating overview of the way astronomical telescopes have evolved with technology during the past 450 years. Amateur and professional astronomers alike will find this book both entertaining and instructive.