Music Theory For Dummies von Michael Pilhofer | ISBN 9781118991145

Music Theory For Dummies

von Michael Pilhofer und Holly Day
Autor / AutorinMichael Pilhofer
Autor / AutorinHolly Day
Buchcover Music Theory For Dummies | Michael Pilhofer | EAN 9781118991145 | ISBN 1-118-99114-1 | ISBN 978-1-118-99114-5

Music Theory For Dummies

von Michael Pilhofer und Holly Day
Autor / AutorinMichael Pilhofer
Autor / AutorinHolly Day
Get more out of music with this essential guide
Music Theory For Dummies makes music theory easy tounderstand, with a friendly, unintimidating overview of everythingyou need to know to become fluent at knocking out beats, readingmusical scores, and learning to anticipate where a song shouldgo--whether you're reading someone else's music or writingyour own. Whether you're a music student or a music lover, you'lllearn to read, write, and understand music with this informativeguide. With expert instruction, you'll put it all together as youcompose, arrange, and create original melodies, harmonies, andchords of your own, with helpful tips for performing your pieces infront of an audience. This new third edition presents the mostcurrent teaching techniques, the newest music genres and examples, and updated information on all aspects of understanding, creating, and performing music.
Studies have shown that music training improves children's'verbal and spatial abilities, and it's been associated withcognitive and mathematical benefits in adults. The music job marketis expected to increase over the coming years, and music theory isbecoming an increasingly common part of education at all levels. Music Theory For Dummies provides the instruction you needto get more out of music than you ever thought possible.
* Master major and minor scales, intervals, pitches, andclefs
* Understand basic notation, time signals, tempo, dynamics, andnavigation
* Employ melodies, chords, progressions, and phrases to formmusic
* Compose harmonies and accompanying melodies for voice andinstruments
Whether you intend to pursue a degree or career in music, orjust enjoy listening to it, understanding the theory behind itgives you a whole new appreciation for the artistry andcraftsmanship behind the pieces that give you goose bumps. It's amix of technical skill, inborn talent, and plenty of practice- and now you can try your hand at it, with Music TheoryFor Dummies.