Driving Sustainability to Business Success von M. Jayne Pilot | The DS FactorManagement System Integration and Automation | ISBN 9781118416938

Driving Sustainability to Business Success

The DS FactorManagement System Integration and Automation

von M. Jayne Pilot
Buchcover Driving Sustainability to Business Success | M. Jayne Pilot | EAN 9781118416938 | ISBN 1-118-41693-7 | ISBN 978-1-118-41693-8

Driving Sustainability to Business Success

The DS FactorManagement System Integration and Automation

von M. Jayne Pilot
Efficient, compliant management systems pave the road tosustainability through integration and automation
The book addresses the many definitions of sustainability andwhy CEOs need the links between sustainability, business value, andperformance. Business leaders are committed to leading the way, andthe book outlines the support of a management system structure andbusiness principles that will drive the accomplishment of theirmission. Stakeholder demands on CEOs include many challenges. Investors are assessing companies for financial performance. Theshrinking talent pool of employees is looking to work withorganizations that support social, environment, and economicoperating practices and principles.
Great leaders are those that ask questions, who are creative todrive innovation for growth of their company. TheAssess-Reflect-Act section on international business principlesdefined in the book will ask you as the leader thought provokingquestions to stimulate action within your organization to bringpeople, processes, and technology together for businesssuccess.
Leaders need to transition to smart decisions that are datadriven. The company's management system structure is important tobuild a strong framework for business process operations andautomation for global competitiveness. Topics include:
* Business plans vs management systems
* Management system frameworks: standardization, ISO standards: Quality -- ISO 9001, Environment -- ISO 14001, OHSAS18001, Integrated Management Systems
* Three Steps for Process Development: Identify, Insure, Improve
* Focus for the Organization: Compliance Costs, Best Practices, Strategic Planning
* Support -- Resources: Innovation, Engagement, SuccessionPlanning
* Data as a Valuable Resource
* Operation: Process Risks, Management System Control Plan, E-commerce, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Green Awareness-EcoDesign, Automated Controls, Cloud Computing
* Performance Evaluation -- Monitor, Measure, Analyze, Audit, Management Review
* Competitive Landscape
The constant need to improve internal processes and move towardbusiness sustainability and quality standards is a major stressorfor governments and businesses. With one-third of the workforceretiring in the next five to ten years, the need has become moreimmediate, and the focus has shifted to building a strong frameworkfor business process operations and automation for globalcompetitiveness. This book provides a roadmap to efficient, compliant systems, showing businesses how to build towardsustainability goals and capture key knowledge of the employeesinvolved in the process.