Dictatorship von Carl Schmitt | ISBN 9780745697123


von Carl Schmitt
Buchcover Dictatorship | Carl Schmitt | EAN 9780745697123 | ISBN 0-7456-9712-7 | ISBN 978-0-7456-9712-3
"At last Carl Schmitt's Dictatorship is available inEnglish. His study and analysis of this concept is key tounderstanding the varieties of dictatorship.„ --George Schwab, National Committee on American ForeignPolicy “Dictatorship is the first book ever entirely devoted tothe topic of emergency powers. Written as Germany'sfledgeling Weimar Republic resorted to emergency measures toconfront insurrections from both the Left and the Right, Schmittexplored the historical origins and philosophical justifications ofextraordinary executive action. Schmitt's Dictatorship is afascinating historical document and a prescient, insightfulresource for contemporary debates in political theory andconstitutional law." --John P. McCormick, University of Chicago


von Carl Schmitt
Now available in English for the first time, Dictatorship isCarl Schmitt's most scholarly book and arguably a paradigmfor his entire work.
Written shortly after the Russian Revolution and the First WorldWar, Schmitt analyses the problem of the state of emergency and thepower of the Reichspräsident in declaring it. Dictatorship, Schmitt argues, is a necessary legal institution in constitutionallaw and has been wrongly portrayed as just the arbitrary rule of aso-called dictator.
Dictatorship is an essential book for understanding the workof Carl Schmitt and a major contribution to the modern theory of ademocratic, constitutional state. And despite being written in theearly part of the twentieth century, it speaks with remarkableprescience to our contemporary political concerns.