Connective Branding von Claudia Fisher | Building Brand Equity in a Demanding World | ISBN 9780470740873

Connective Branding

Building Brand Equity in a Demanding World

von Claudia Fisher und Christine Vallaster
Autor / AutorinClaudia Fisher
Autor / AutorinChristine Vallaster
Buchcover Connective Branding | Claudia Fisher | EAN 9780470740873 | ISBN 0-470-74087-6 | ISBN 978-0-470-74087-3

Connective Branding

Building Brand Equity in a Demanding World

von Claudia Fisher und Christine Vallaster
Autor / AutorinClaudia Fisher
Autor / AutorinChristine Vallaster
This book bridges the gap between strengthening the 'employeebrand' and the building 'external brand image' bysynthesizing the two approaches. The result is a blurring of theboundaries and assigning creative powers to both. A customer has anumber of interactions with the company, and each of theseinteractions has an impact on the brand equity account -either positive or negative. Examples of interactions include: theproduct itself, the purchasing process, the consumption experience, the 'face' of the organization, the call center, mediaetc. The real issue for the company is how to translate theoptimized 'ideal' customer journey into effectivecompany programmes, how to track their progress and their actualimpact on brand equity, customer satisfaction and loyalty.
This book takes a holistic view to brand management and distillsthis complex system into palatable chunks, involving all functionsof the company. The book demonstrates the effect of an organizationthat facilitates and rewards employee brand commitment on'external brand equity (eg: customer satisfaction andloyalty) and 'internal brand equity' (eg: productimprovement and innovation potential resident in theorganization).
While the more obvious benefits of this approach include theusual suspects such as increased sales and revenues, less obviousbenefits include employee stress reduction through the eliminationof tensions and incongruity between external and internal valuesystems. The result is a significant contribution to creativity, brand commitment, overall employee satisfaction and, finally, acompany's ability to attract and retain talent.
The above is achieved via a very practical, step-by-step guide, lavishly illustrated with case studies from over 100 fascinatingbrands (the authors have researched and surveyed companies such as: Aer Lingus, BMW, BP, Deutsche Bank, Ducati, Edun, Google, innocentdrinks, Lacoste, Lego, Manner, Maggi, Orange, Old Mutual, Rabobank, Sony, SOS Childrens Villages, Siemens, Thomas Sabo, TED/United, TUI, UBS, Vauxhall, Wal-Mart, Wikimedia, any many more) the authorsare able to paint a very real picture of the issues facing businessand provide powerful solutions. Refreshingly, this book drawson examples from across the globe, giving the book cultural depth. Each case helps demonstrate the arguments put forward by theauthors.
After reading this book the audience should be able to answerthe following questions:
* How can I build a strong brand? Where do I start? Whichanalyses do I have to conduct? Who needs to be involved?
* How can I make sure every part of the organisation lives thebrand?
* How can I revive the brand ? How can I create a new andrelevant connection between the brand and key targetaudiences?
* How can I develop and expand the brand? How can futureorientation become part of the brand?
* How can I best structure the brand portfolio? Which role shouldeach of the brands adapt in order to optimise results?
* How do I best manage the brand? How do I cultivate and empowerbrand enthusiasts in the organisation? How do I foster and leveragenetworked collaboration?